Our Supply Needs
Many supply items are inexpensive, but with as many fosters as we have in our care the costs add
up when used on a daily basis. Any of these items are always needed and greatly appreciated!
Dry dog food (small bites)
Raw hide chewies
Toys of all kinds
Adjustable nylon collars
Adjustable nylon harnesses
Nylon leashes
Piddle pads
Pillows and cases
Grooming shampoo
Grooming brushes
Flea treatments
Travel crates
Wire crates
Doggie seat belts
Coats & Sweaters
Bleach (lots of it!)
Laundry detergent
Odor remover
Mops and brooms
Anything you provide for your babies, we need for ours too!
Supply donations can be made in
Portland, Tennessee
Franklin, KY
or can be shipped to
Little Feet Rest and Rescue
c/o 112 North Main Street
Franklin, KY 42134
Other Ways To Help
Can't drive on a transport? Donate a gas card to offset the costs of getting kids safely from shelters
to their foster homes.
Can't adopt? Be a sponsor for one of our kids - Pay a portion of their vet care costs or adoption
Have a business? Display our newsletter and a donation jar for our kids.
Receive our newletter? Donate a few stamps to help offset the costs of postage.
Little Feet Rest & Rescue
If all rescue required was love, dedication, passion, devotion, and time we would have all we need, but
it takes so much more. All we really want to do is to save lives, but to do this we have to face the financial and business
sides of rescue too:
Our vet bills alone have sometimes neared $2,000.00 in one month. Our monthly bills also include Heartworm
preventative, flea treatments, grooming supplies, food, treats, toys, bedding, collars, harnesses, leashes, crates, cleaning
supplies, gas for transports, office supplies, printing, postage - This list goes on and on.
While our foster moms absorb much of the daily costs for the kids in their care, the number of furkids we are able to
rescue depends entirely on the financial support and supplies we receive through public donations.
Please remember: What we can do depends on you! Your donations are what makes saving the lives of the little ones you
see on our sites possible.

What Your Donations
Death Row Shelter Rescue
Under Construction

Deployed Military Pet Rescue
Cookie is a Pomeranian/Chihuahua mix who was left homeless when her military family was deployed
and relatives couldn't take her in. Because the shelter was at full capacity and Cookies was expecting pups within days, her
family was told she would have to be euthanized without rescue.
Little Feet never wants to turn away a pet of our military families! Cookie was accepted into Little
Feet care and her pups were were born in safety within twenty-four hours of her arrival.
Our ability to rescue furkids left behind when our military families are deployed is entirely depnedent
on donations for their care. Our military families accept the responsiblity of protecing our families - Shouldn't we protect

Low Income Family Pet Care Assistance
We often receive referals from vets concerning low income families in need of financial assistance
to provide needed medical care for thier pets. With your help we're able to assist in low cost spay/neuter, vaccinations,
and emergency needs to loving homes and caring families that genuinely deserve our help. It's your support that allows us
to be there when one of these families is in need.

Owner Relinquished Pets
Under Construction
Emergency Medical Intake
Under Construction

Rescue Transfer
When we were contacted by another rescue concerning little Poodle girl, Winnie, we were told she simply had a "bad leg"
and they were unable to care for her. When our transporter picked Winnie up, it was discovered her leg was badly broken and
she had been left lying in pain in an outdoor pen for two weeks with no vet care.
Upon arrival to our vet, we found Winnie's leg was beyond repair and would require amputation. She also tested Heartworm
positive and would require spaying, vaccinations, and a dental.
This little girl's sparkling personality and loving nature, dispite her medical needs, captured the hearts of the vet
and his employees and her surgeries and medical care were provided at a generously discounted rate. Still, the costs greatly
outweighed the amount that could be recovered by an adoption fee.
Most furkids like Winnie die because funding is not available for their needed medical care. With your help, we can save
many of them.

Hospice Assistance
For those dealing with terminal illnesses, the worry about the future of beloved companions can be a tremendous burden.
As long as funding is available, we offer foster care reservations for Hospice clients and terminally ill individuals that
want to include the assured, secure care and placement of their canine companions in their final arrangements. We need your
support to be able to offer this service when it is needed.
For information about Hospice click the link provided below:
Hospice Information For Humans

Medical Assistance To Other Rescues
Under Construction