Puppy Mills
Read facts about puppy mills from the Humane Society of the United States.
Puppy Mills Facts
Prisoners of Greed has information about puppy mills - photos and facts - and offers suggestions of how to shut them
Prisoners of Greed
Information, educational brochures, research, articles, and news dedictated to education concerning puppy mills can
be found at No Puppy Mills.
No Puppy Mills

Animal Hoarding
The Psychiatric Times offers an insightful look into the minds of those who hoard animals.
The Hoarding Mind
Learn about hoarding, health issues, animal welfare, intervention, and resources from The Hoarding of Animals Research
Word Bridges explains in detail the definition of a hoarder and some of the common themes in hoarder cases.
Animal Hoarding 101
Tufts.edu offers five photos showing examples of the extreme conditions that can occur inside the home of a hoarder.

The Petition Spot instructs you to begin an on line petition and veiw hundreds of current petitons coving
many issues, including animal welfare.
The Petition Spot
The Care2 Connection offers discussion boards, groups, and petitions related to animal welfare.

If you have grants links that would be of interest to other rescues and shelters, please let us know and we'll be
happy to add them.
Art for Animals
Shelter Source Grants A-Z

Message Boards
Five State Rescue works to unite rescue workers in Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Tennessee
into a regional cooperative network. This message board is for use by rescuers, rescue groups, foster parents, transporters,
and shelters. Membership is required.
Five State Rescue

"The Right Dog For You", written by Daniel F. Totora, Ph.D, is a great book for researching what breed will be the
perfect fit for your personality, family, and lifestyle.